Careers at Morningstar Properties | Morningstar Storage


See Our Current Career Opportunities Here

At Morningstar Storage, our well-trained, experienced staff allows us to deliver exceptional customer service. We are always looking for wonderful people to join our team. We are always looking for talented individuals. Below are our current openings. If you do not see your future career listed here, please feel free to email your resume to


See Open Positions

We are always looking for talented individuals. If you do not see your future career listed here, please feel free to email your resume to

Morningstar Properties is an equal opportunity employer.

Fraudulent Job Posting Alert: It has come to our attention that fraudulent job postings for a “Remote Data Entry” position have been posted on several recruiting websites. These postings are representing as our company (specifically our Morningstar Marinas brand), but they are fraudulent and not affiliated with our company in any way.


Please Note:

  • Morningstar does not currently have any “Remote Data Entry” positions.
  • Legitimate job opportunities with Morningstar Properties, LLC (including Morningstar Storage and Morningstar Marinas) are listed on our official job posting site linked above.
  • Be cautious of unsolicited job offers or requests for personal information. Morningstar does not request sensitive personal information, such as Social Security numbers or banking details, during the initial application process.
  • Report suspicious job postings to the recruiting platform where the fraudulent posting was found.


We are actively working to address this issue and apologize for any confusion or inconvenience this may have caused. If you have any questions or need further clarification, please contact us at Thank you for your understanding and vigilance.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can I pay? Can I pay online?

    We have several ways that you can pay, and they are all FEE FREE! Online, by phone, in- person, or auto-pay. We strongly suggest using the ACH Autopay method. It safely and automatically transfers your payment directly to us for an always on time payment from your checking account on the first of every month. If you wish to pay online, you will need to create an account with the original email you used to reserve your unit, as well as your unit number.
  • Do you prorate in and out?

    Absolutely! We do not want you to have to pay for any days in the month that you’re not storing with us! For instance, if you sign your lease on the 11th of the month, your first payment is only for the 11th through the end of the month. On your move-out, we only ask that you give us a 10 day notice and that you vacate no later than the 15th. If you abide by those two easy rules, we will refund you for the entire second half of the month!
  • Do I have to stay a certain amount of time?

    At Morningstar you are never locked in to a long term lease. Stay as long or as little as your needs apply. We offer month to month leases with prorating in and out.
  • Do I need Insurance?

    If it’s worth storing then it must be worth protecting! We offer low-cost coverage for most of life’s mishaps for as little as 40 cents a day. So, even in the unlikely event that you will ever have a claim, it’s comforting to know that the coverage that we can offer protects your belongings in transit on the way to our facility, and there is never a deductible.
  • Do you require a deposit to hold a unit?

    We do not require a deposit to hold a unit for you.

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