A Clutter-Free Storage Solution for 2023 | Morningstar Storage

It’s the new year — which is coincidentally the perfect time to start things off fresh in your home. After all, it’s right after the holidays, where you’re more than likely to have watched an influx of new things migrate into your home during gift-giving season. And clutter can be exhausting to live amongst. 

A recent study conducted by Princeton University discovered that our environment can either positively or negatively impact our productivity levels and overall mental health. If the things around us feel scattered, cluttered, and an overall mess, chances are, we’ll feel that way inside too. 

plain white shelves with woven baskets, making an organized closet

It’s easy enough to get rid of things to make space for the new stuff in your home, but how do you keep things clutter-free without getting rid of things you’ll actually need at one point or another? Unfortunately, not everyone’s home was created with extra storage in mind. That’s why it might be time to look elsewhere for the answer.

The solution is simple: self-storage!

All you have to do is rent a storage unit near your home, and you’ll be able to move out any and all items that only have a purpose a few weeks or months out of the year. This will offer you a ton of extra space in your home, and you can then keep those extra items stored neatly and securely off-site so you can grab what you need, when you need it! 

Here are some ideas about what types of things you can send to your new storage unit so that you’re able to stay clean and organized in your home, year-round!


Holiday Decor

It’s always so much fun to decorate for the holidays, but once they’re over, what do you do with all the stuff? Don’t waste precious storage space in your home for wreaths, tree stands, and boxes upon boxes of ornaments that only get pulled out for a few weeks at the end of the year. Instead, neatly organize all of your merry-making items and move them into your storage unit where they’ll wait patiently until you need them again in another eleven months!

Not sure how to carefully store those cherished ornaments and decorations? Check out these easy tips for making sure everything stays intact, year after year!


Baby Items

It’s always so hard to let go of those precious baby clothes as your littlest one starts to get bigger and bigger. That, paired with just how fast kids tend to outgrow clothes, toys, etc., makes for a lot of extra clutter around the house. But don’t fret over having to donate or throw out those perfectly good items! Storage is a great option, particularly if you’re hoping to use these things again once another member of your family is on the way. 


Seasonal Clothing

Similarly, seasonal clothing can take up a lot of important closet space around your home, especially when they’re not in use. Start a rotation between your spring/summer and fall/winter wardrobes to free up that closet space for things you want to wear right now. 

→ Morningstar Storage Tip: The better you organize things right from the start, the easier it will be to maintain — and to find things quickly! Here are some ideas to get you started off on the right foot. 


Outdoor Furniture

Who doesn’t love lounging on some patio furniture on a sunny summer day? But what do you do with everything once the cold, dark days have rolled in? Even if you’re lucky enough to have a garage or shed, you likely already have plenty of other things that take precedence over your outdoor furniture. Thankfully, self-storage is here to help!

→ Morningstar Storage Tip: Curious about the best tricks for properly preparing and organizing your furniture while in storage? Check out this blog that outlines the best practices for keeping your stored furniture clean, safe, and secure. 


Books & Paperwork

Who would ever think that something as thin as paper could take up so much room? Regardless of whether the digital age and the internet are overtaking the reading realm, some important documents will never stop taking a physical form. Keep your important books and documents in a safe, secure storage unit where they’re easily accessible at any time — but also conveniently out of the way! 


Family Heirlooms & Keepsakes

Family heirlooms and keepsakes are some of the most important things we have, as they pass down from generation to generation. But is your damp basement or uninsulated attic the best place to keep these treasures? 


Keep Your Home Clutter-Free in 2023

The benefits of decluttering at the very start of 2023 are just too many to count. Not only will your home feel like it’s in less disarray, but it will be much easier to clean and to find things as you need them. Plus, an organized home is shown to improve your mental health — so remove that extra stress from the get-go. 

Isn’t it time to get your home and your head in order by clearing out anything that just doesn’t fit your needs at the moment? Once it’s safely in storage, you’ll be able to organize your home exactly how you need it to be in order to think straight!

One important thing to note: not all things belong in a storage unit. Be sure to check out this blog on the seven things you should never put into your public self-storage unit — and why! 


Morningstar Storage has a Solution

Whatever it is that you need to store, it’s important to pick a storage facility with the features you need and managers you can count on. At Morningstar Storage, our team can address any questions you might have about self storage (no matter how strange they just may be). With over 80 locations spread all across the States, we’re here to help you make the best decision about where and how to best store your stuff. 

Ready to get started? Here are some starter questions you might want to research before renting your very first storage unit, but remember — our team is always here to answer any more that pop up! 

Ready to Get Started?

Our Morningstar managers are ready to help you with your storage needs. Find the location nearest you!

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can I pay? Can I pay online?

    We have several ways that you can pay, and they are all FEE FREE! Online, by phone, in- person, or auto-pay. We strongly suggest using the ACH Autopay method. It safely and automatically transfers your payment directly to us for an always on time payment from your checking account on the first of every month. If you wish to pay online, you will need to create an account with the original email you used to reserve your unit, as well as your unit number.
  • Do you prorate in and out?

    Absolutely! We do not want you to have to pay for any days in the month that you’re not storing with us! For instance, if you sign your lease on the 11th of the month, your first payment is only for the 11th through the end of the month. On your move-out, we only ask that you give us a 10 day notice and that you vacate no later than the 15th. If you abide by those two easy rules, we will refund you for the entire second half of the month!
  • Do I have to stay a certain amount of time?

    At Morningstar you are never locked in to a long term lease. Stay as long or as little as your needs apply. We offer month to month leases with prorating in and out.
  • Do I need Insurance?

    If it’s worth storing then it must be worth protecting! We offer low-cost coverage for most of life’s mishaps for as little as 40 cents a day. So, even in the unlikely event that you will ever have a claim, it’s comforting to know that the coverage that we can offer protects your belongings in transit on the way to our facility, and there is never a deductible.
  • Do you require a deposit to hold a unit?

    We do not require a deposit to hold a unit for you.

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