We take photos every single day: of our food, of our families, and of entertaining things we see while we’re out and about enjoying our lives. How often do you revisit those photos, and how do you share them with loved ones? What would happen if all those pictures got deleted today?
By the same token, what would happen if your physical photographs—the ones passed down from your parents, grandparents, and other family members—got damaged in a fire or flood? You can’t place a dollar amount on the joy that comes from flipping through an old photo album and looking at pictures of your younger self, or of family members and cherished memories.
Whether you’re thinking about spending a weekend scanning old photographs and backing them up to a hard drive or printing some of your favorite snapshots from your Instagram, we have another idea for you: Check out a self storage unit at Morningstar Storage to make sure your photographs stay both close at hand and protected from extreme temperatures or light damage.
Temperature Controlled Storage Saves Your Photos
Businesses and personal storage customers alike choose temperature controlled storage units (sometimes called climate controlled storage) for their records, photographs, and just about anything else that is vulnerable to extreme heat, cold, or moisture. These spaces regulate the temperature and humidity inside the storage unit to keep it a steady environment all year round. These units protect your photographs from damage that might occur if they were to get wet from condensation, for example. If you’re a photographer, they can also protect your camera and lighting equipment from damage, too.
If you’re extremely focused on backing up your photographs with digital storage, consider buying an inexpensive external solid state hard drive and loading it up with a collection of photographs. Put the hard drive in storage with your physical photographs and you’ll have multiple backups in case something happens to your cloud photos.
Ensure Your Photographs Stay Safe from Sunlight
We love natural light, but we know it can really create issues with photographs, which by their very nature are sensitive to the sun’s rays. Our storage units and facilities provide just the right amount of interior light to easily find your way around the unit without having to worry about sun damage to your belongings, including those precious photographs.
Keep Your Photos Safe from Bugs
Sunlight and moisture damage aren’t the only culprits that can really harm your photographs and other documents. As unpleasant as it may be to think about, storing your pictures in a basement or attic can put them at risk from hungry critters or insects such as mice, silverfish, or moths. That’s not the case when you use self storage. Our facilities are clean and pest-free.
Plenty of Space for Your Photos, Furniture…and Anything Else
Just because you rented your storage unit as a way to get some extra space and to hold your family photo albums doesn’t mean you’re limited to just that. Our storage units come in a variety of sizes, so even if you only need enough space for a few boxes or plan on moving the contents of an entire office, room, or home into the space, as well, we have you covered. Whether you need to store a whole shelf’s worth of Grandma’s photo albums or have a whole house’s worth of memories, choose Morningstar Storage to help you stay organized and keep those treasured items in one convenient place.